
"Stand In the Rain" by Superchic[k] from Beauty from Pain 1.1

"Stand in the rain; stand your ground. Stand up when it's all crashing down!"

Ooo; I can hear why this is Superchic[k]'s most popular song by far on iTunes. They've evidently participated in BarlowGirl's genre-switching to make a song that's more like what their friend band usually produces. It's extraordinarily good from this band—music's usually their weak point to my ears.

…Okay, fine, it's a genre issue, considering Superchic[k]'s usual music is an unusual conglamoration of R&B, rock, and rap or hip-hop that's definitely teen-oriented and uses more sounds than instruments. The songs do have a way of ending up on (multiple) movies, TV shows, soundtracks… You get the idea.

"Stand in the Rain" is the most normal rock I think I've heard from Superchic[k], and it's by far the top music I've heard from them. The fluid rock of "Stand In the Rain" melds smoothly. The song speaks of sadness and a fight to get through it, and the music reflects both emotions.

Trisha's clear voice can be heard with little trouble (except in the few cymbal-strong sections), but it's pretty and knows what it's doing. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but it's nothing strange.

The band's usual standing of good advice, stemming from a Christian worldview, continues in this song. True, their failure to be blatantly Christian means that they're popular on both sides of the proverbial fence, but last time I checked, Christians could use applicable tips for living out their faith… Superchic[k] merely writes songs that are overtly influenced from the Christian worldview rather than preaching.

I think I still prefer BarlowGirl's boldness with their Christianity, but Superchic[k] was the one who wrote the song that directly improved my relationship with my brother: "Na Na".

As of this writing, "Stand In the Rain" was a sample listed on Superchic[k]'s MySpace page.

Lyrics: 5/5
Music: 4/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 9/10


  1. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

  2. Thank you! :-) I'm now posting every Wednesday and Saturday—make sure to comment if you have a song or artist that you'd like to see me review!
