
"Angels" by Within Temptation from The Silent Force

"There's no escape" from the band Within Temptation once you hear them. Okay, so if you don't like minor key tonality or detest mild rock, you probably won't like them. But Sharon Den Adel's angellic voice is well worth giving a try as the narrator laments her (dark) angel who betrayed her even as she turns him in.

How many songs can you listen to 100 times—paying attention for most of them—in a week and still not be sick of it? Not many. "Angels" is one of them, as are all the songs on The Silent Force.

Though Dutch, Sharon Den Adel's accent doesn't really appear when she's in the upper elements of her supremely wide vocal range. The lyrics of "Angels" are completely clean despite the implied abuse in the song, the narrator remembering "the smile when you tore me apart." You'll likely find yourself trying to sing along to the catchy chorus with Sharon Den Adel as well as you can in your own register.

The style of music is remeniscent of the Lord of the Rings' soundtracks, especially songs like "The Bridge of Khazud-Dûm." Definitely gothic, "Angels" also has a bit of a synthetic tone that I still enjoy. It's more than just the beat of much modern rock, with multiple layers interweaving in the music.

Some people won't like the song "Angels" or the band Within Temptation in general, but often people find them pretty before they know what they're listening to. Gothic is a technical artistic term, not "please shoot me I'm so pathetic" whining, which is really emo ("emotionally-driven"). Anyway, I advise you to at least give the song a shot.

Lyrics: 5/5
Music: 5/5
Vocal(s): 5/5
Overall: 9/10

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