
"Never Too Late" by Three Days Grace from One-X

"Even if I say, 'It'll be all right;' I still hear you say you want to end your life."

Unlike most songs speaking of suicide, this is a friend talking to the suicidal individual. The narrator's encouraging his suicidal friend to continue living. "This world will never be what I expected, and if I don't belong" "maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late. It's never too late" to seek to pull yourself out of the depression and hopelessness.

Lead singer Adam Gontier has a voice well-suited for the post-grunge-influence rock Three Days Grace produces, but it also fits well in this song that could be qualified as a guitar-based rock ballad. Acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drums, and cymbals meld in a way that's pleasing to the ears if you like rock. None of it's discordant, and it all flows together in such a way that I can't imagine the song fitting to anything else.

The music video involves a girl playing with her parents, intercut with the girl as a young woman fighting nurses who are keeping her from killing herself. The video symbolically portrays the child's molestation without the parents' knowledge that led to her current institutionalization, and as "Never Too Late" comes to its ending, she overcomes her past.

Overall, it's a refreshing (albeit darkly-toned) song that considers life worth living even if it looks dark. "Never Too Late" encourages both the sucidal individual and his friend that life isn't over just because it seems hopeless.

As a Christian, I view it as incomplete since it fails to address that God is man's hope. Parents may not want their younger children to listen to the song, either, from the psychological elements it addresses. Nonetheless, it's a remarkably well put-together song considering the junk that tends to end up on the radio a lot, these days.

As of this writing, the song was displayed on the MySpace page of Three Days Grace.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 5/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 8/10


  1. Well, obviously this particular song is about suicide and that people who are suffering so much should not have to face deep emotional pain alone. In "Never Too Late", Adam shows compassion toward his friend by getting her the help she deserves to have and comforting her. I think it's wonderful that TDG is addressing real events by telling people that they are not alone and that others care and love them. Although I absolutely love deep songs like this that may even save someone's life,I believe kids who are younger than middle-school age should not see this video. I know, most kids probably mature enough to see this video ,but parents usually freak out about this kind of stuff. But concerns aside, I think everyone who watches this becomes a lot more compassionate for other people. "Never Too Late" is probably one of the best songs I have ever heard- way to go TDG!

  2. Hi,it's me again. I would just like to tell anyone has ever or wants to listen to this song/video that you should probably keep a box of Kleenex by your side. Even if you're someone who doesn't cry often, expect yourself to be overwhelmed by the intensity of "Never Too Late". I can't recall hearing any songs that have ever the same essence of power, sadness, and hope as this song. If you're reading this right now and don't agree with me, tell me about the most intense songs you've heard.
    P.S.:You've probably heard from other people that due to the depressing tone in this song, it has been streotyped as "emo". "Never Too Late" is not emo! Just in case you're wondering, I'm not emo, but I don't have anything against emos either.

  3. Thank you, I have recently been searching for information about this topic for ages and yours is the best I have discovered so far.

  4. What?? I never replied to these? My apologies.

    Well said, Anonymous #1&2. People have a tendency to vilify things they don't understand or don't care for, themselves, without distinguishing between what's actually wrong and what isn't their preference. I don't flatter myself to believe that I hold that line perfectly, but at least I try.

    Anonymous #3, I'm glad I could help you out. :)
