
"Nothing Left" by Delain from April Rain

"Follow me back home / 'Cause the night is young / And I'm tired of being alone" probably captures "Nothing Left" the best.

Delain's song "Nothing Left" tells of someone who's using alcohol, drugs, and sex because they don't feel like they can breathe otherwise. It can be interpreted where that's all the same person, or where the significant other is a childish junkie so the song's narrator is striking back by having a drunken one-night stand.

I don't see the point or appeal of one-night stands and drunkenness (and have theological objections to them, for that matter), but I keep listening to this song. I cringe at the song's narrator every time I hear it, but I still listen.

I listen because the vocals and music blend perfectly with the mood of the song's narrator. The music has piano, brass, drums in a symphonic blend that sort of reminds me of Within Temptation's song "Ice Queen". (Wait, I haven't reviewed that one yet? Shoot, gotta put that in the queue.)

At any rate, Delain made the song melodic, with a slow tempo, that somehow conveys the feeling of emotional lethargy that the singer speaks of. That singer, Charlotte Wessels, adds to the conveyed emotion without sounding apathetic. It fits perfectly. Marco Hietala from Nightwish even sings the backup vocals.

Overall, if the song topic doesn't offend you and you like melodic rock ballads, you might find this one worth a listen. Or at least you might want to check out some of the vivid creative turns of phrase that are in the lyrics.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 4/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 8/10

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