
"Sunrise" by Nichole Nordeman from Recollection: The Best of Nichole Nordeman

Touching speedy piano starts out this pop song from honest Christian singer Nichole Nordeman. Why "honest"? She's brutally direct on the conflict of the Christian's life, of her own life.

"How would I know the morning if I knew not midnight?" she asks in "Sunrise." And that is why Nichole Nordeman wouldn't "take a different road, bear a lighter load" if she "had the chance." God alone "is sunrise," He "alone can resurrect" her heart. None of us like the dark points in life, but she reminds us that we cannot know the brightness of the light without first knowing the dark.

Recollection: The Best of Nichole Nordeman might be well-named if "Sunrise" aptly represents the rest. This may be the best song beginning I've heard in any of her songs, even if it devolves into comparatively middling quality, from her chorus. The chorus may have the annoyingly characteristic drop in music quality, but the verses are lovely with the few different layers that underline them.

Nichole Nordeman uncompromisingly speaks of real life with her usual soothing alto. The touching beginnig draws you into the rest of the song as she guides the hearer through darkness into the Light. Besides the less-than-great chorus music that brings down the quality of the music overall, the only complaint to be made might be a bit of cliché and repetitive imagery. But that won't bother everyone.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 3/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 8/10

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