
"Hello" by Evanescence from Fallen

Those who like Evanescence's hit "My Immortal" will likely enjoy the sound of this soft lament for Amy Lee's lost baby sister and her struggle to come to terms with it.

"Has no one told you she's not breathing? Hello?!" she asks. Her sister is missing from life, where she should be, and one seems to realize it. She might tell others she's fine, but "I'm the lie, living for you so you can hide… Don't cry." If you're not disturbed by someone's obvious lingering scars from a sibling's death, you'll likely enjoy this song and its clean lyrics.

The piano is lovely, that element alone making it one of Evanescence's best on the music. A slightly "wet" (echoing) quality further encourages the image of emptiness developed in the song, with accents of the type of sound that make "Haunted" sound so much like the ghost story it is. The accents are just enough to give the imagery that someone's likely died without making you feel like someone's physical ghost is supposed to be present.

Amy Lee has an excellent voice (on this album), and she uses it well in this lament for her baby sister. "Hello! I'm still here—all that's left of yesterday…"

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 5/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 9/10

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