
"My Immortal" by Evanescence from Fallen

Two versions exist to this song. Those who've heard and disliked the other album single "Bring Me to Life" have often been surprised to learn that this is the same artist, particularly for the regular piano-violin version.

The band version (Fallen's bonus track) climaxes with the addition of drums, cymbals, and electric guitar. You may not recognize this song when it's spoken of, but chances are you'll recognize the song the instant someone starts playing the piano part on the radio.

Different people prefer different versions, though I personally perfer the band version. It sounds better mixed, and Amy Lee's voice is less "fuzzy."

"I'm so tired of being here… suppressed by all these childish fears…" but Amy Lee sadly still can't seem to get past her little sister's death. "My Immortal" and "Hello" are Fallen's tribute to that sister.

The lyrics are clean, like much (though not all) of Evanescence, without a blaspheme or curse. The song laments a loved one's death and the song narrator's inability to get past it. "My Immortal" was meant to refer to Amy Lee's sister, true, but it's written in such a way that it's more universally applicable, as well, which I believe is part of its power.

Amy Lee's voice is at top (digitalized?) quality, at least in the band version of "My Immortal". (I'm not sure if I want to hear her voice live, after the live version of "Going Under" I heard from Anywhere But Home.) "My Immortal" is a pleasing song to hear, but…

I'm still convinced that similar-styled rock ballad beauties like "Eva" by Nightwish and "See Me in Shadow" by Delain are better.

Lyrics: 5/5
Music: 4/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 8/10

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