
"Walking Her Home" by Mark Schultz from Broken and Beautiful

"It was her first date the night he came to call. Her dad said, 'Son, have her home on time, and promise me you'll never leave her side.'"

With that foreshawdong of never leaving, "Walking Her Home" sweetly offers snapshot of how a man views his wife through the years of the first date, firstborn child, and her death, during all of which he keeps remembering that first date when he fell in love with her.

Considering the high divorce rate in our modern culture, "Waking Her Home" reminds of relationships that don't bounce. I realize Mark Schultz likely desired to focus on the bittersweet aspect, it almost makes it seem like those long-term relationships just happen instead of being worked at to be maintained.

Singer-songwriter Mark Schultz, a (former?) youth pastor of the PCUSA, is known for his touching, often bittersweet lyrics about life and God. Add one of the best male voices of Christian pop, and it's no wonder that he's one of the most widely-known names in Christian circles.

The calm and soothing music is softly guitar and piano-reliant for this song, as is characteristic of Mark Schultz, but it's not his best. I think of him when I hear it, but I don't immediately think of this song in particular. I get the distinct impression that it uses the same music as some other song of his that I can't quite remember, or at least the music is extremely similar.

Overall, I've heard better from him, but it's still a decent song… particularly for CCM.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 2/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 6/10

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