
"The Ghost Woman and the Hunter" by Lacuna Coil from Comalies

"Staring in the sun… no rays down on me…"

Yep, another ghost story. One of if not my favorite song by Italian band Lacuna Coil, "The Ghost Woman and the Hunter" is the softest song I've heard by them. …Actually, it's probably comparable to "See Me in Shadow" in style, though the sound is different enough that you probably won't hear that unless you're looking for it.

Okay, the song's still normal Lacuna Coil, bit tricky to follow with an odd lyrical flow. Not that it's bad—it's just one that takes some major thinking to put the lines together in any sense whatsoever. Cristina Scabbia sings prettily if you like her voice, and there's no screaming in this song.

The questionable part of this song is when the ghost says "calling on your sins, you're here in my dreams." Evidently the Ghost Woman's hunter "wants to be" her. But he's passing beyond her so he'll never see the tears she cries. It's interesting, from the ghosts perspective. (I actually find it kinda cute, a lovesick ghost lamenting her living lover. Um… okay, I'm weird.)

The music is the usual lovely, well-mixed resonating mix Lacuna Coil does, with their usual instruments. It's a sound that can grow on you, as I found from experience.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 5/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 8/10

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