
"Everytime We Touch" by Cascada from Everytime We Toucch

Please "forgive me my weakness" for actually enjoying some techno. I don't mean the the completely repetitive dance music, but there is some techno that can be pretty if you can get accustomed to the extreme tempo.

"Everytime We Touch" doesn't remain completely static, making it above average for its genre. The rapid-beat movements shifts in the song while keeping the similar tone throughout that makes it danceable. The speedy tempo sets your pulse racing, an effect that's useful when you're trying to speed something up, like the writing of a blog post.

Can you spell "cliché" for the lyrics? A girl's very happy with her boyfriend and wants to stay with him. The song does nothing but speak of the emotions involved there, though Cascada does have a distinctly attractive voice as she sings "Everytime we touch, I get this feeling…" and so on and so forth.

The song is useful like all techno when you're trying to get something done quickly, but you'll probably only listen to it for pleasure every so often if you enjoy the style and aren't too terribly annoyed by the lyrics.

Lyrics: 3/5
Music: 4/5
Vocal(s): 3/5
Overall: 6/10

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