
"Cardboard Castles" by Diana DeGarmo from Blue Skies

Poking around on the American Idol website, clicking on names and song previews that look interesting, I found this song. I immediately started writing this post, already decided I would review "Cardboard Castles" if not look up more songs by Diana DeGarmo.

Diana DeGarmo, an American Idol winner, sounds promising on this selection from Blue Skies. "Cardboard Castles" actually has nice-sounding music beyond the stock, though it's still mostly of average quality in its pop. Diana DeGarmo's voice, though, that is an attraction.

At first, her voice sounds like it might just be the average nice voice that lacks control. Paying more attention, I noticed that she actually does have control of her voice. Her voice is consistent rather than clumsy as some poorly controlled singers demonstrate as they can't even keep their voice the same in a single song. (I would be one of those vocally clumsy people, myself, if I actually had a nice singing voice. Which I'm not sure that I do)

Dream-bubbles tend to be burst by life, but that doesn't mean we can't keep dreaming dreams we know will likely never come to be, "building cardboard castles in the air." I know I doubt I'll ever be a bestselling author. Even those times when life's going great don't last, as much as many of us hate to admit our goals of comfort wouldn't last, anyway, even if we reached them. The song admits this and our unwillingness to think about it. "Does anybody know? Does anybody care?" she asks.

Though not great, I still found it surprisingly good and look forward to hearing more songs by this singer in the future.

P.S. Since I keep finding myself returning to this song, I decided to reevaluate my rating. Thus its upgrade.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 3/5
Vocal(s): 5/5
Overall: 8/10

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