
"Disguising Mistakes with Goodbyes" by Emery from This Weak's End

"Have you looked up Emery yet?"

I hesitate. "I've been busy," I finally answer my brother.

"I was just wondering," he insists. "I really think you would like their music."

My brother may not be able to tell when something's a half-beat instead of a full beat or be able to appreciate Green Day (who isn't hard to hate), but he does have a decent ear for noticing when a band resembles another one I like. Sort of. The music of "Disguising Mistakes with Goodbyes" does remind me of some other songs I like.

My first thought upon hearing "Disguising Mistakes with Goodbyes," though, was why so much screaming in the background? That would have been a lot more striking with more pointed screams, used in particular locations. But Emery sadly overkills the technique. Okay, that first one got my attention, I think, but then by the third time I'm annoyed, and then there's a fourth.

But when they're singing—whichever two of the guys actually sing in this song—it's quite attractive. The nice voices remind me Chester Bennington of Linkin Park.

"Disgusing Mistakes with Goodbyes" expresses the emotions of a relationship on the rough seas from a fight and one member trying to get past it. The band warns that "Words can breathe more life or death"—words hurt.

No cussing or harsh language appears in the song, though it does hint that the relationship might be intimate without stating whether the twosome involved are married. One party may also be leaving in the end ("I can't stay here").

The melodic music pleases the ear and offers some creativity, but there could've been more. Even so, the band's more than "decent" when compared to similar groups. Emery is one of those bands whose all-Christian members decided to pursue their career without a "Christian" label, because they're wanting to reach the unsaved. When compared to most Christian groups of comparable style, it's very good.

Nonetheless, a few points in the song felt clumsy. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be willing to look up more songs from the band's 2004 album This Weak's End.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 4/5
Vocal(s): 4/5
Overall: 7/10


  1. I think one of your advertisements caused my internet browser to resize, you might want to put that on your blacklist.

  2. My apologies. :-( I don't suppose you made note of the URLs being advertised when that happened? I need those to blacklist them.
