
"Clothes" by BarlowGirl from Barlow Girl

Ah, so you've noticed how… lacking clothes have gotten? So few things seem to fit—especially if you're well-endowed up there. (If you wouldn't know, just trust me on that one.) Clothes just "don't seem to fit you and me anymore."

The Barlow sisters have noticed that and the mockery they (and other young women) receive for intentionally dressing modestly, and they return the treatment in "Clothes," demonstrating the ludiocrity of the matter, producing an intentionally silly song. "Pay so much for clothes so small—was this shirt made for me or for my doll?"

Sure, everyone says "Modesty is out the door" if you want to "look like a model." BarlowGirl returns, "Don't want to be a model—they don't eat anyway." "Clothes that fit are fine!" they insist. Question why people demand the immodest clothing, and refuse to be a sex object! (In keeping appropriate for younger audiences, they don't say that last one point-blank.)

Did I mention they dress modestly, too? These girls certainly practice what they preach!

The music isn't their best. It's not bad, but it's… a bit overloud pop rock. They've done a lot better on the music aspect. And their voices could have stood out a little more—I suspect that would have made the song sound a lot better, and at one point they sound downright weird. As things stand, if you want to enjoy the fun lyrics, you have to sit through an otherwise not-so-great song.

Lyrics: 5/5
Music: 2/5
Vocal(s): 3/5
Overall: 5/10

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