
"The Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin from Phobia

"Would you like that?" the song's narrator keeps asking the girl whose attention he's trying to get without being obvious about it. He's obsessed with her, and now he's trying to find where Jane mentions him in her diary. He hasn't found his name yet, but he's looking, still looking, even as he wonders "What have I become?!"

As for how he got his hands on Jane's diary to begin with, the music video reveals that Jane has died. (Jane runs through the house in her white nightgown trying to find a mirror that actually shows her reflection, but that's as sensual as the video gets.)

Benjamin Burnley, the singer and originator of Breaking Benjamin (whose poor health has put the band on hiatus), allegedly suffers from several phobias, and the band's 2006 album Phobia reflects that. (His phobia of flying is presumably why the band never leaves North America.)

He may have health issues, but he can sing. It's the standard rough vocals characteristic of rock, while still sounding young (think a bit like Three Days Grace, if you've heard them.) Ben Burnley sings most of the lyrics, with the occasional scream for accent. He does a fantastic job of conveying the emotions of the song in his voice.

The music also accents the dark desperate feel of the song. Both the regular and acoustic versions are well blended examples of rock music. I think the regular version captures more of desperation's energy, while the acoustic version augments the sadness of lamenting what can't be had, because he can't have Jane. The music matches perfectly, and at no point do I feel like they got lazy with it.

Overall, "The Diary of Jane" should be enjoyed by those who like darker rock music, particularly fans of Three Days Grace and Flyleaf.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 5/5
Vocal(s): 5/5
Overall: 9/10

Check out "The Diary of Jane" on Amazon!

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