1. Back up all my previous posts to my computer, sorted by artist and album, so I don't duplicate any.
DONE. I may have to go back and remerge the album names into the file title and have a few missing pieces in some of them to fix, but the meat of all 150+ reviews are now on my computer in one handy program, Scrivener. (This isn't quite what Scrivener was designed for, but it works.)
2. Prepare a list of several songs to review.
IN PROGRESS. I've been working on this in my head for a while, thinking of songs I'd like to review, but now I'm actually writing some down. (I'm importing ones I own into the handy "Research" section of Scrivener; ones I don't own will have links pulled in, instead.)
3. Make corrections as needed to old posts.
IN PROGRESS. The ones that I've noticed need fixing are getting a handy bright pink label in Scrivener, and notes to boot, so I can easily find them and remember which need what.
4. Prepare several song reviews in advance before starting to post again.
IN PROGRESS. I have one done except for a few details that I need to verify. I want to have at least another nine ready before I post.
5. Fix blog layout.
IN PROGRESS. My image host died, and I finally found my G-cleft image. An old visitor might notice that there have been changes. I'm pretty much done, except for tweaking some things and figuring out which template to use as the base so I don't have to credit someone just for using the layout templates. But I'm actually at a point where the blog is usable, again.
6. Delete all the spam comments.
DONE. Thank you, Blogger, for that specific update that made doing this take only a few minutes. I don't really need to explain why I wanted to do this, do I?
So that leaves correcting old posts, writing 9 more song reviews, and finishing up a few details. I have some prior commitments to fulfill, and I'll be doing NaNoWriMo this year, but I hope to be back up and running strong by the end of November. (Um… My last goal of April 2009 fell through after I had some symptoms appear that needed surgery, stat. Sorry about that.)
Blogger's "improvements" are driving me batty, though. I distinctly have "Convert line breaks" set to NO, but Blogger's doing it, anyway. :-/ And it looks like I'll have to manually set some of the features I want in the XML and layout, which would take some time and isn't really necessary to have done before I'm ready to go. We'll see.
I've sung in my church choir since I last posted, and I'm told it's improved my singing. (And, for anyone who's read some of my old claims of having a poor voice, my brother might be wrong about that. I've been told lately that I sound kinda like Sharon Den Adel of Within Temptation. Yeah. That freaked me out, too.)
EDIT: Um, note to self: do not paste RTF drafted posts into Blogger or you'll mess up the post formatting. O_O
Hey, I wanted to know of any tool or i think you call them Aps to show you the best deals? I'm aware that you can type in a search in google and you only get the advertisers that paid the most, not the best deals. Any help would be great.
ReplyDeleteI think anti-spam techniques can be broken into four broad categories: those that require actions by individuals, those that can be automated by e-mail administrators, those that can be automated by e-mail senders and those employed by researchers and law enforcement officials.