
"Menace of Vanity" by Epica from The Divine Conspiracy

Hm, interesting violin—yikes! Like Nightwish's "Nemo", the Dutch band Epica to like leading into rapid-beat drums. (Hey, it keeps you awake.)

Then some barely-audible growling enters the song, and I grimace every time I hear it. The tempo and music flow together with obvious intention, but it's not very memorable, at least not for me. I do like what Epica does with the strings, though, and the drum works very well (though it gets fast!).

Lyricwise, the song matches the religion concept album it's on (The Divine Conspiracy). "Menace of Vanity" speaks of a refusal to "join the games" demanded by a "misplaced sense of superiority; the result of your unbearable form of vanity."

And that's it to the lyrics. Sounds to me like Epica is calling vain those who denounce sin.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting the lyrics. It may just be denouncing those who do play hypocritical games, but I do know I've listened to the song four times in a row and don't have any of the words sticking in my head. Even Rebecca St. James can beat that.

Lyrics: 3/5
Music: 4/5
Vocal(s): 3/5
Overall: 6/10

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