
"Dreams" by Diana DeGarmo from Blue Skies

"Dreams are just dreams when they're stuck inside your head, and all it takes is a little help from you…"

Diana DeGarmo isn't afraid to play with genre even in her freshman album Blue Skies. "Cardboard Castles" was pop rock, and "Dreams" offers a softer ballad accented primarily by simple piano.

I said before that twenty-year-old Diana DeGarmo had an excellent voice, and I stand by it. She knows how to sing and sings purposefully. She narrowly escaped first place in American Idol's third season for a reason.

On the surface, the song seems to be speaking of dreams in general, and of getting help from a loved one to make the dreams come true. But details in the song lyrics suggest that Diana DeGarmo might be intending to refer to God (though it might be an accident). Either way, "Dreams" encourages the hearer to reach for dreams rather than merely cling to them in the mind, where they can't become reality.

Diana DeGarmo ended up as a top seller on singles charts with this song for a reason. It's very soft, relaxing as it edifies the hearer with (not necessarily but potentially God-oriented) encouragement.

Lyrics: 4/5
Music: 3/5
Vocal(s): 5/5
Overall: 8/10

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